Golden Chakra

Today, let’s dive into something truly special—the Golden Chakra.

While it might not be as commonly discussed as the traditional chakras, the Golden Chakra is believed to hold the energy of divine illumination, spiritual power, and the ultimate manifestation of wisdom.

If you’ve ever felt drawn to the energy of the sun or experienced a profound moment of clarity, you may have tapped into the energy of this radiant chakra. Let’s explore what the Golden Chakra is, where it’s located, how it influences your spiritual journey, and how you can activate and balance it to harness its powerful energy.

What Is the Golden Chakra?

The Golden Chakra, sometimes referred to as the “Chakra of Illumination,” is a higher energy center that represents the pinnacle of spiritual development and divine wisdom. Unlike the seven traditional chakras, the Golden Chakra is often considered to be part of an advanced or expanded chakra system, symbolizing the highest form of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. This chakra embodies the qualities of enlightenment, divine protection, and the ability to manifest one’s highest potential.

Anodea Judith, a leading authority on chakra systems, describes the Golden Chakra as “the embodiment of divine light, where spiritual power and wisdom converge to illuminate the path of the soul” (Judith, 2004).

So, where is this powerful chakra located, and what does it mean for your spiritual journey?

Meaning and Location of the Golden Chakra

The Golden Chakra is often visualized as being located above the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), hovering just above the top of the head. Some spiritual traditions describe it as existing within the aura, while others see it as a radiant golden light that surrounds the body. This chakra is associated with the color gold, which symbolizes purity, divine wisdom, and the light of consciousness.

Gold has long been associated with the divine, often representing the light of the sun, spiritual wealth, and the manifestation of higher truths. The Golden Chakra carries these associations, representing the integration of spiritual knowledge and the illumination of the soul.

Now that we know where it’s located and what it symbolizes, let’s explore how the Golden Chakra influences your energy and spiritual development.

The Role of the Golden Chakra

The Golden Chakra plays a unique role in your spiritual development. It acts as a bridge between your earthly existence and the divine, helping you to integrate the wisdom of higher realms into your daily life. When this chakra is activated, it illuminates your path, guiding you with clarity and purpose. It also serves as a protective shield, surrounding you with divine light and keeping negative energies at bay.

This chakra is believed to be the key to accessing your highest potential, enabling you to manifest your spiritual goals and align with your true purpose. It’s where the wisdom of the soul merges with the light of divine consciousness, creating a powerful force for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

But how can you tell if your Golden Chakra is active and balanced? Let’s take a look at the signs.

Signs of an Active Golden Chakra

Wondering if your Golden Chakra is active? Here are some signs to watch out for:

Spiritual Clarity and Insight

Do you experience moments of sudden clarity or profound spiritual insight? An active Golden Chakra enhances your ability to see the truth clearly and understand the deeper meaning of life’s experiences.

Dr. Wayne Dyer, a spiritual teacher and author, explains, “When we align with the energy of divine illumination, we gain access to a higher level of understanding, where the mysteries of life begin to reveal themselves” (Dyer, 2004).

Manifestation of Spiritual Goals

Have you noticed that your spiritual goals and desires are manifesting more easily? The Golden Chakra is closely linked to the power of manifestation, helping you bring your highest aspirations into reality.

Dr. Joe Dispenza, a neuroscientist and meditation expert, suggests, “When we harness the energy of higher consciousness, we can align our intentions with the creative power of the universe, making our goals manifest more effortlessly” (Dispenza, 2014).

Divine Protection and Guidance

Do you feel a strong sense of protection and guidance in your life? The Golden Chakra acts as a shield of divine light, surrounding you with protective energy and guiding you on your spiritual path.

Dr. Doreen Virtue, a spiritual psychologist, notes, “The presence of divine light in our energy field not only protects us from negativity but also attracts the guidance of higher beings who assist us on our journey” (Virtue, 2001).

The Science Behind the Golden Chakra

While the Golden Chakra is primarily rooted in spiritual traditions, there are some fascinating scientific concepts that can help us understand its influence on our consciousness and well-being.

The Sun as a Source of Life and Energy

The symbolism of the Golden Chakra is closely tied to the sun, which has been revered throughout history as a source of life and energy. Scientifically, the sun is the primary source of energy for all living things on Earth. Its light and warmth are essential for life, and many cultures have linked solar energy to spiritual illumination and divine power.

Astrophysicist Dr. Carl Sagan once said, “The sun is a star that has been worshipped by countless civilizations, not only for its life-giving properties but also as a symbol of the light of consciousness” (Sagan, 1980).

The Pineal Gland and Light Perception

The Golden Chakra’s association with light and illumination can also be linked to the pineal gland, often referred to as the “third eye.” The pineal gland is sensitive to light and plays a role in regulating our sleep-wake cycles through the production of melatonin. This sensitivity to light is also associated with spiritual experiences, as the pineal gland has been linked to states of higher consciousness.

Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg explains, “The pineal gland is thought to be involved in mystical experiences, where the perception of light and consciousness are profoundly altered” (Newberg, 2010).

Energy Fields and the Human Aura

The Golden Chakra is sometimes described as existing within or just outside the human aura, the energetic field that surrounds the body. The concept of the aura has been explored in various scientific studies, particularly in relation to biofield therapies, which suggest that the human energy field can influence physical and emotional health.

Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist, states, “The human biofield is an intricate network of energy that extends beyond the physical body, interacting with both internal and external environments. The Golden Chakra may be a key point within this field, connecting us to higher realms of consciousness” (Rubik, 2002).

How to Activate and Balance the Golden Chakra

Now that you know what the Golden Chakra is and how it works, you might be wondering how to activate and balance it. Here are some practical steps you can take:

1. Sun Meditation

Do you enjoy spending time in the sun? Sun meditation is a powerful way to activate and balance the Golden Chakra, aligning your energy with the light of the sun.

How to Practice:

  • Sun Meditation: Find a quiet place outdoors where you can sit comfortably in the sunlight. Close your eyes and focus on the warmth and light of the sun on your skin. Visualize this golden light entering your Crown Chakra and filling your entire being with divine illumination. Feel yourself becoming one with the energy of the sun, radiating light and warmth.

Dr. Deepak Chopra suggests, “Meditating in the sunlight can help us connect with the energy of the universe, awakening the Golden Chakra and filling us with the light of divine consciousness” (Chopra, 2012).

2. Visualization and Affirmations

Do you use affirmations in your spiritual practice? Visualization and affirmations can help activate the Golden Chakra by aligning your thoughts and intentions with the energy of divine illumination.

How to Practice:

  • Visualization: Close your eyes and imagine a golden light hovering just above your head. Visualize this light expanding, filling your entire being with warmth, wisdom, and divine protection.
  • Affirmations: Repeat affirmations such as “I am illuminated by the light of divine wisdom,” or “I am protected and guided by the energy of the universe.”

Dr. Louise Hay, a pioneer in the field of affirmations, says, “Affirmations are powerful tools for transforming our consciousness and aligning with the highest energies of the universe” (Hay, 1984).

3. Crystal Work with Golden Stones

Do you work with crystals? Certain golden-hued crystals, such as citrine and pyrite, resonate with the energy of the Golden Chakra and can help activate and balance this energy center.

Suggested Crystals:

  • Citrine: Known as the stone of abundance, it helps to attract prosperity and align your energy with the flow of divine light.
  • Pyrite: Often called “Fool’s Gold,” this stone is a powerful protector and energizer, enhancing your connection to the Golden Chakra.

Crystal healer Judy Hall explains, “Golden crystals resonate with the energy of divine illumination, helping to activate the Golden Chakra and align you with the higher realms” (Hall, 2003).

How to Heal the Golden Chakra

Healing the Golden Chakra involves practices that foster connection to the divine, encourage self-reflection, and align your life with spiritual principles. When this chakra is blocked or out of balance, you might feel disconnected from your spiritual path, experience a lack of purpose, or struggle with inner turmoil. Here’s how you can heal and restore balance to your Golden Chakra:

1. Spiritual Journaling

Do you take time to reflect on your spiritual journey? Writing in a journal can help you explore your spiritual experiences and uncover areas where healing is needed. Focus on your connection to the divine, your life’s purpose, and any challenges you’re facing in your spiritual growth.

How to Practice:

  • Daily Reflection: Spend a few minutes each day journaling about your spiritual experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Pay attention to any patterns or insights that emerge, and use this information to guide your healing process.

Dr. Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, emphasizes, “Journaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery and spiritual healing, helping us to connect with our inner wisdom and the divine” (Cameron, 1992).

2. Energy Healing Practices

Have you explored energy healing? Practices like Reiki, acupuncture, and sound therapy can help clear blockages and restore the flow of energy in your Golden Chakra. Working with a trained energy healer can provide profound insights and support your healing journey.

Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, stated, “Energy healing practices such as Reiki can restore balance to the chakras, including the higher energy centers, by channeling universal life force energy” (Usui, 1922).

Yoga Exercises to Activate the Golden Chakra

Yoga is a powerful way to activate and balance the Golden Chakra by aligning the body, mind, and spirit. Certain yoga poses, particularly those that focus on opening the upper chakras and connecting to the divine, can be especially beneficial for this chakra.

1. Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Are you familiar with Savasana? While it’s a resting pose, Savasana is one of the most powerful poses for connecting with higher consciousness and integrating the energy of the Golden Chakra.

How to Practice:

  • Savasana: Lie flat on your back with your legs slightly apart and your arms relaxed by your sides, palms facing up. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, allowing your body to fully relax. Visualize a golden light above your head, filling your entire being with divine energy.

Yoga teacher B.K.S. Iyengar said, “Savasana is the pose of complete surrender, where we let go of all tension and connect with the universal energy that sustains us” (Iyengar, 1966).

2. Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Do you practice meditation in Lotus Pose? Padmasana is a powerful pose for meditation and connecting with the higher chakras, including the Golden Chakra.

How to Practice:

  • Padmasana: Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, placing each foot on the opposite thigh. Keep your spine straight and your hands resting on your knees in a mudra of your choice. Close your eyes and focus on the crown of your head, visualizing a golden light expanding upward.

Swami Sivananda, a revered yoga teacher, said, “Lotus Pose is the throne of meditation, where the energy of the mind and body converge to connect with the divine” (Sivananda, 1959).

Personal Anecdotes

Let me share a couple of personal stories about my experiences with the Golden Chakra.

Sun Meditation for Divine Connection

During a particularly challenging time in my spiritual journey, I turned to sun meditation as a way to reconnect with the energy of the universe. Sitting in the warm sunlight, I visualized a golden light filling my entire being. The experience was transformative, filling me with a profound sense of peace and clarity. I felt deeply connected to the divine, as if the light of the sun had illuminated my path and aligned me with my higher purpose.

Working with Citrine for Abundance

I’ve always been drawn to citrine, and I decided to use it during my meditation practice to work on opening my Golden Chakra. By holding the crystal near my Crown Chakra during meditation, I felt a powerful surge of energy that seemed to clear away blockages and align me with the flow of abundance. This practice not only helped me attract prosperity but also deepened my connection to the divine wisdom of the Golden Chakra.

Connecting the Golden Chakra to Your Daily Life

You might be wondering how to bring the energy of the Golden Chakra into your everyday life. It’s not just about spiritual practices; it’s about embodying the qualities of divine illumination, wisdom, and protection in your daily actions.

Mindful Living and Divine Purpose

Do you live each day with intention? Integrating the Golden Chakra’s energy into your daily life means living mindfully and aligning your actions with your highest purpose. Whether it’s through simple acts of kindness, setting clear intentions for your day, or practicing gratitude, bringing the qualities of the Golden Chakra into your life can lead to profound personal growth.

How to Practice:

  • Morning Intentions: Each morning, set an intention that aligns with your higher purpose. Visualize the golden light of the chakra guiding your actions and decisions throughout the day.
  • Gratitude Practice: End your day by reflecting on moments of clarity, wisdom, and guidance. Express gratitude for the divine light that has illuminated your path.

Dr. Wayne Dyer emphasizes, “Living with purpose and intention connects us to the divine energy that guides and protects us, aligning our lives with the flow of the universe” (Dyer, 2004).

Final Thoughts

The Golden Chakra, though less known than the traditional chakras, holds immense power for those on a spiritual path. It represents divine illumination, wisdom, and the ability to manifest your highest potential. By understanding its role, the science behind it, and how to activate and balance it, you can tap into this radiant energy center and experience profound spiritual growth.

Namaste. 🙏


  • Cameron, J. (1992). The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. TarcherPerigee.
  • Chopra, D. (2012). Spiritual Solutions: Answers to Life’s Greatest Challenges. Harmony Books.
  • Dispenza, J. (2014). You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter. Hay House.
  • Dyer, W. (2004). The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way. Hay House.
  • Hall, J. (2003). The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals. Godsfield Press.
  • Hay, L. (1984). You Can Heal Your Life. Hay House Inc.
  • Iyengar, B.K.S. (1966). Light on Yoga. Schocken Books.
  • Judith, A. (2004). Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System. Llewellyn Publications.
  • Newberg, A. (2010). Principles of Neurotheology. Ashgate Publishing.
  • Rubik, B. (2002). The Biofield Hypothesis: Its Biophysical Basis and Role in Medicine. National Institutes of Health.
  • Sagan, C. (1980). Cosmos. Random House.
  • Sivananda, S. (1959). The Science of Pranayama. Divine Life Society.
  • Usui, M. (1922). The Reiki Manual. (Usui Reiki Ryōhō Gakkai).
  • Virtue, D. (2001). Divine Guidance: How to Have a Dialogue with God and Your Guardian Angels. Hay House.

By Yogi Ananda

Welcome to my world of chakras, spirituality, and holistic well-being. I'm Yogi Ananda, and I'm thrilled to share my journey and wisdom with you. From a very young age, I was captivated by the mysteries of the chakras and their profound impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual lives. This fascination led me on a lifelong journey of discovery, spanning decades of intensive study, meditation, and hands-on practice with gurus and spiritual leaders from around the globe. My passion for exploring the depths of human consciousness and the intricate energies that govern our lives has driven me to dedicate countless hours to understanding and mastering the flow of energy within the body. Through a blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights, I have developed a deep, intuitive understanding of how to balance and heal the chakras, bringing harmony and vitality to life. This blog is my labor of love, born from a desire to share this profound knowledge with you. Here, I offer insightful articles, practical tips, and personal anecdotes that I hope will guide you on your own journey toward spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. Join me as we explore the transformative power of the chakras together, unlocking the secrets to a balanced and fulfilling life. Whether you're new to this path or a seasoned practitioner, there's always something new to discover and learn. Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, hand in hand. Namaste.

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