Blocked energy Throat and Sacral Chakras

Let’s talk about something that’s super important when it comes to feeling like your authentic self—having your Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) and Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) in balance. These two chakras are like the dynamic duo of expression and creativity. If you’ve been feeling stuck, creatively blocked, or unable to speak your truth, there’s a good chance that these energy centers are out of whack.

But don’t worry! I’m here to help you understand the deeper connection between these chakras, why they get blocked, and, most importantly, how to get that energy flowing again. Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

What Are the Throat and Sacral Chakras?

Let’s start with the basics to make sure we’re on the same page. Here’s a quick breakdown of these two chakras:

1. The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha, is located at the center of your throat. Imagine a glowing blue wheel of energy spinning here. This chakra is all about communication, truth, and self-expression. When it’s in balance, you feel comfortable speaking up, sharing your thoughts, and expressing your emotions clearly. But when it’s blocked, you might find yourself struggling with throat issues, feeling anxious about speaking out, or even avoiding conversations altogether.

2. The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana, is found just below the navel in the lower abdomen. Visualize a vibrant orange wheel of energy spinning in this area. This chakra governs creativity, emotions, sensuality, and relationships. It’s where your creative ideas come from and how you process your emotions. When it’s flowing freely, you feel passionate, inspired, and emotionally balanced. If it’s blocked, though, you could feel stuck in a creative rut, emotionally numb, or have issues with intimacy.

How Are the Throat and Sacral Chakras Connected?

You might be thinking, “Okay, I get what these chakras do, but how are they connected?” Here’s the deal: The Throat Chakra and Sacral Chakra work together to help you feel and express. The Sacral Chakra is all about what you feel—your creativity, your emotions, your sensuality. The Throat Chakra is about how you express those feelings—your truth, your authenticity, your voice.

  1. The Bridge Between Feeling and Expression: The Sacral Chakra generates your feelings, creative impulses, and emotional experiences. The Throat Chakra takes these internal experiences and transforms them into words, art, music, or any form of self-expression. When your Sacral Chakra is blocked, you might have trouble feeling anything deeply, let alone expressing it. If both are blocked, it’s like having a creative dam with no outlet.
  2. Emotional Honesty and Authenticity: Your Sacral Chakra is your emotional center, while your Throat Chakra is your voice. Together, they help you communicate with emotional honesty. A blockage in either chakra can make you feel like you’re not being genuine—either because you’re not feeling deeply (Sacral) or not expressing clearly (Throat).
  3. Balancing Sensuality and Vulnerability: The Sacral Chakra governs your sensual energy, and the Throat Chakra governs vulnerability in sharing your true self. When both are open and balanced, you feel free to express your deepest desires and emotions without fear of judgment.

Scientific Insights into Throat and Sacral Chakra Blockages

Science is beginning to catch up with what ancient spiritual traditions like Tantra have known for centuries—our bodies and minds are deeply interconnected. Let’s take a look at how modern research backs up these ancient wisdoms.

Throat Chakra and the Science of Self-Expression

When it comes to the Throat Chakra, modern science has a lot to say about the importance of self-expression. Studies have shown that people who suppress their emotions or hold back from expressing themselves are more likely to experience higher levels of stress, anxiety, and even depression (Pennebaker, 1997). This is because when we don’t express what we feel, it creates internal tension and, over time, this can weaken our immune system and even lead to physical ailments like chronic sore throats or thyroid issues.

Research also indicates that verbal expression is linked to the vagus nerve, which plays a key role in regulating our stress response. When we speak our truth, we stimulate the vagus nerve, which promotes relaxation and a sense of well-being (Thayer et al., 2012).

Sacral Chakra and Emotional Storage

Now, let’s talk about the Sacral Chakra. Did you know that the lower abdomen and pelvic areas are where we often “store” our emotions? This idea isn’t just spiritual; it’s backed by science. The pioneering work of Candace Pert, a neuroscientist and pharmacologist, discovered that emotions are not just experienced in the brain but throughout the body, particularly in the gut and lower abdomen (Pert, 1999). When you have unresolved emotions—especially around creativity, sexuality, or relationships—they can manifest as physical issues like lower back pain, pelvic tension, or even digestive disorders.

Studies in psychoneuroimmunology also suggest that suppressed emotions can lead to stress, which affects our overall physical health, including our reproductive and digestive systems (Ader, 2001). This connection highlights the importance of balancing the Sacral Chakra for both emotional and physical well-being.

Tantric Wisdom on Throat and Sacral Chakras

Ancient Tantra offers profound insights into the connection between the Throat and Sacral Chakras. In Tantra, these chakras are not seen as isolated energy centers but as part of a holistic energy system that governs both the physical and subtle bodies.

Throat Chakra in Tantra: The Gateway to Higher Consciousness

Tantra views the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) as the gateway to higher spiritual realms. It is where the transformation from the physical to the spiritual begins. The Shiva Sutras, an ancient Tantric text, mentions:

“Vishuddha is the doorway to the realm of the divine sound (Nada). When the aspirant attains purity here, the nectar of immortality flows from the heavens to the earth” (Shiva Sutras, 1:15).

This teaches us that the Throat Chakra is not just about speaking your truth but also about resonating with the divine sound or vibration. A blocked Throat Chakra means that not only is your personal expression hindered, but your spiritual evolution is also stalled.

Sacral Chakra in Tantra: The Seat of Shakti

The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) is considered the seat of Shakti—the divine feminine energy that is creative, sensual, and nurturing. In Tantra, the Sacral Chakra is viewed as the “womb” of creation, both literally and metaphorically. The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra explains:

“From the divine waters of Svadhisthana arises the creative power that sustains the universe. To awaken here is to drink from the fountain of divine creativity” (Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Verse 59).

When this chakra is blocked, you cut off access to your inner creative power, making it challenging to manifest your desires or feel emotionally fulfilled.

Signs Your Throat and Sacral Chakras Might Be Blocked

Recognizing the signs of blockage in these chakras is the first step in healing. Let’s look at what happens when each chakra is out of balance:

Signs of a Blocked Throat Chakra:

  • Physical Clues: Chronic sore throats, laryngitis, thyroid issues, neck pain, jaw clenching, TMJ, or frequent colds.
  • Emotional Clues: Fear of public speaking, social anxiety, difficulty expressing thoughts, feelings of not being heard, or constantly second-guessing yourself.
  • Behavioral Clues: Either staying silent when you have something important to say or over-speaking to fill silence out of nervousness.

Science Insight: Chronic suppression of emotions or communication is linked to increased stress levels, which can lead to weakened immune responses and inflammation (Pennebaker, 1997). Engaging in authentic self-expression stimulates the vagus nerve, which helps manage stress and promote relaxation (Thayer et al., 2012).

Signs of a Blocked Sacral Chakra:

  • Physical Clues: Menstrual irregularities, pelvic pain, lower back pain, bladder or kidney issues, and digestive problems.
  • Emotional Clues: Creative blockages, lack of joy or passion, fear of intimacy, feelings of guilt or shame, and emotional volatility.
  • Behavioral Clues: Engaging in addictive behaviors, emotional overreactions, or avoiding emotional intimacy altogether.

Science Insight: Emotional trauma and suppression can manifest as physical symptoms in the body, particularly in areas governed by the Sacral Chakra. Studies in psychoneuroimmunology reveal that emotional stress can impact reproductive health and lower abdominal function (Pert, 1999; Ader, 2001).

What Causes These Blockages?

Several factors can block these chakras. Let’s explore what might be causing these blockages in your energy system:

  1. Unresolved Trauma: Whether it’s related to past experiences where you were silenced or shamed, these can create deep blockages in both the Throat and Sacral Chakras. Tantric practices emphasize the release of these traumas to reclaim personal and spiritual power.
  2. Fear of Judgment: Many of us hold back from speaking or creating because of the fear of being judged or criticized. This fear is a huge blockage that stifles both chakras, trapping emotions and creativity inside.
  3. Societal and Cultural Conditioning: Many cultures discourage open expression of emotions and creativity, particularly around topics like sexuality or personal truth. This cultural conditioning can create deep energetic blocks that prevent you from living authentically.
  4. Emotional Repression: Regularly avoiding or repressing your feelings—whether anger, sadness, or desire—can lead to a backlog of emotional energy, creating blockages in both the Throat and Sacral Chakras.

How to Heal Blocked Throat and Sacral Chakras

Healing these chakras requires a combination of practices that address both the physical and energetic aspects. Let’s explore some of the most effective techniques:

1. Tantric Meditation and Visualization

Tantric meditation focuses on uniting mind, body, and spirit, and it’s incredibly effective for unblocking the chakras.

  • Throat Chakra Meditation: Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and focus on your throat area. Visualize a vibrant blue light spinning here, clearing away any blockages or darkness. As you breathe in, let the light grow stronger. On each exhale, release any stuck energy. Affirm, “I express my truth freely and fearlessly.”
  • Sacral Chakra Meditation: Sit comfortably and focus on your lower abdomen. Visualize a warm, glowing orange light spinning and expanding in this area. Let each breath fan the flames of your creative fire. Affirm, “I embrace my emotions and creativity without fear or shame.”

Combining these meditations helps clear the path for both creative and authentic self-expression.

2. Mantras and Sound Healing in Tantra

In Tantric traditions, specific mantras are used to resonate with and heal each chakra:

  • Throat Chakra Bija Mantra: Chant “HAM” (sounds like “hum”) to align with the Throat Chakra’s frequency. Imagine the sound vibrating through your throat, clearing any blockages.
  • Sacral Chakra Bija Mantra: Chant “VAM” to activate the Sacral Chakra. Feel the vibrations resonate in your lower abdomen, dissolving any energetic blocks.

In addition to chanting, you can use singing bowls, tuning forks, or crystal bowls tuned to these chakras’ frequencies for deeper healing.

3. Expressive Arts and Journaling

Creativity and self-expression are powerful healing tools for these chakras. Engage in activities that let you express freely:

  • Art Therapy: Get your hands dirty with some paint, clay, or markers. Let your inner child play and express without any judgment. This releases emotional tension and stimulates creative energy.
  • Journaling: Writing is a great way to clear both chakras. Try prompts like, “What truths am I afraid to speak?” or “How do I want to express my creativity?” Let your words flow without overthinking.

Scientific Support: Studies have shown that expressive writing can reduce stress and promote emotional clarity, leading to improved mood and mental health (Pennebaker, 1997; Stuckey & Nobel, 2010).

4. Tantric Yoga and Pranayama

Yoga and breathwork are foundational in Tantra for balancing the chakras:

  • Throat Chakra Poses: Poses like Fish Pose (Matsyasana), Lion’s Breath (Simhasana), and Plow Pose (Halasana) help open and energize the throat area.
  • Sacral Chakra Poses: Hip-openers like Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana), Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana), and Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana) release stored tension in the pelvic area.

Include Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana) to harmonize the energy flow between these chakras.

5. Aromatherapy and Crystals in Tantra

Essential oils and crystals are used in Tantra to support chakra healing:

  • Throat Chakra: Use Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Chamomile oils to clear and soothe the throat area. Crystals like Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, and Aquamarine promote self-expression and truth.
  • Sacral Chakra: Oils like Ylang-Ylang, Sandalwood, and Orange balance this chakra. Crystals such as Carnelian, Moonstone, and Amber enhance creativity and emotional release.

Incorporate these tools into meditation, baths, or daily rituals to support healing.

6. Inner Child Healing and Emotional Release Techniques

Deep-seated blockages often relate to childhood wounds. Tantric practices often involve healing the inner child to clear these blockages.

  • Inner Child Visualization: Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a child. Offer love, reassurance, and protection to this inner child. Allow emotions to surface and be released without judgment.
  • Emotional Release Practices: Techniques like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or bioenergetic shaking can help release pent-up emotions and restore energetic balance.

When These Chakras Are Balanced, Magic Happens

Balancing the Throat and Sacral Chakras opens up a whole new world of possibilities:

  • Authentic Self-Expression: You’ll feel empowered to speak your truth and communicate confidently.
  • Creative Flow: Your creativity will flourish, and you’ll feel inspired to explore new ideas and passions.
  • Emotional Harmony: You’ll experience deeper emotional connections and healthier relationships, both with yourself and others.
  • Aligned with Purpose: With both chakras flowing freely, you’ll feel more aligned with your life’s purpose and more open to divine guidance.

Final Thoughts

Healing the Throat and Sacral Chakras is about reclaiming your voice, your creativity, and your authentic emotional expression. It’s about breaking free from old patterns and embracing your true self. The journey isn’t always easy, but it’s deeply rewarding. Remember, I’m here to walk this path with you. Share your stories, ask questions, or just connect. Together, we can create a life that’s full of genuine expression, creativity, and joy.

Namaste. 🙏


  • Pennebaker, J. W. (1997). Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions. The Guilford Press.
  • Pert, C. B. (1999). Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine. Scribner.
  • Thayer, J. F., Åhs, F., Fredrikson, M., Sollers, J. J., & Wager, T. D. (2012). A meta-analysis of heart rate variability and neuroimaging studies: implications for heart rate variability as a marker of stress and health. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
  • Stuckey, H. L., & Nobel, J. (2010). The connection between art, healing, and public health: A review of current literature. American Journal of Public Health.
  • Ader, R. (2001). Psychoneuroimmunology: Conditioning and stress. Annual Review of Psychology.
  • Shiva Sutras (various translations).
  • Vijnana Bhairava Tantra (various translations).

By Yogi Ananda

Welcome to my world of chakras, spirituality, and holistic well-being. I'm Yogi Ananda, and I'm thrilled to share my journey and wisdom with you. From a very young age, I was captivated by the mysteries of the chakras and their profound impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual lives. This fascination led me on a lifelong journey of discovery, spanning decades of intensive study, meditation, and hands-on practice with gurus and spiritual leaders from around the globe. My passion for exploring the depths of human consciousness and the intricate energies that govern our lives has driven me to dedicate countless hours to understanding and mastering the flow of energy within the body. Through a blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights, I have developed a deep, intuitive understanding of how to balance and heal the chakras, bringing harmony and vitality to life. This blog is my labor of love, born from a desire to share this profound knowledge with you. Here, I offer insightful articles, practical tips, and personal anecdotes that I hope will guide you on your own journey toward spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. Join me as we explore the transformative power of the chakras together, unlocking the secrets to a balanced and fulfilling life. Whether you're new to this path or a seasoned practitioner, there's always something new to discover and learn. Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, hand in hand. Namaste.

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